Case Study
City of Havre de Grace

- Customer Since: 2013
- State: MD
- Population Served: 5K-20K
- Type of Organization: City
- Former Software:
Tyler Incode
- Implemented Modules:
- Finance Super Suite
- Requisitions
- Accounts Receivable & Business Licensing
- Payroll & HR
- Employee Self-Service
- Tax Billing & Collections
- Utility Billing & Collections
- Work Orders
- Inventory
- Permitting & Code Enforcement
- Permitting Self-Service
- Online Bill Pay
- Resident Self-Service
Havre de Grace was using an ERP software product that was both expensive and challenging to operate. Their software modules fell short in functionality, especially their tax and utility billing modules. Although the city’s staff was able to work around minor deficiencies, the inability to properly integrate their primary revenue sources, property taxes and utility billing to the financial modules was unacceptable to Havre de Grace’s leadership team.
Knowing that a change was needed, Havre de Grace decided to issue an RFP in 2014 to identify a better software solution. After a lengthy selection process that included several software providers, Havre de Grace selected Edmunds’ ERP solutions as the successful bidder. The primary reasons for selecting Edmunds were the intuitive nature of products, seamless integration among modules, and a strong value proposition.
Since first selecting Edmunds’ software in 2014 to manage their finances and revenue, Havre de Grace has added multiple citizen & employee service modules, and most recently, moved their enterprise solution to the cloud. All applications seamlessly integrate with their Finance Suite, and added web access for residents, customers, and employees has greatly improved service for all parties. Stated favorite features continue to be the intuitive nature, value, integration, and functionality.